Ben Wever Farm - Heart and Harvest of the Adirondacks

We are a family-owned and operated intergenerational farm and our goal is to produce the finest, healthiest, most restorative soil possible. 

We do this by tending our herd, shepherding our flock, overwatching our sounder, keeping our hives, and ranging our poultry. 

Our results — healthy soil, our product — great Adirondack grasslands, and the dividend — delicious and unique tastes reflecting the stewardship of the land, the animals, and the "terroir" of raising beef, pork, lamb, and poultry in this most beautiful and bountiful place.

We want to be your farmer! Come by when you can (wear good farm shoes). We are at: 444 Mountain View Drive Willsboro NY 12996 or call 518-963-7447

Our farm stand is open 24/7, 365 and we want you to see how we farm, stock, and show our passion for our land. See you soon.

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Fulfillment OptionsLocal Pick-Up, Ships from Georgia
Fulfillment OptionsLocal Pick-Up, Ships from Georgia
Fulfillment OptionsLocal Pick-Up, Ships from Georgia
Fulfillment OptionsShips from Georgia, Local Pick-Up
Fulfillment OptionsShips from Georgia, Local Pick-Up
Fulfillment OptionsShips from Georgia, Local Pick-Up
Fulfillment OptionsLocal Pick-Up, Ships from Georgia
Fulfillment OptionsLocal Pick-Up, Ships from Georgia
Fulfillment OptionsLocal Pick-Up, Ships from Georgia
Fulfillment OptionsLocal Pick-Up, Ships from Georgia
Fulfillment OptionsLocal Pick-Up, Ships from Georgia
Fulfillment OptionsLocal Pick-Up, Ships from Georgia
Fulfillment OptionsLocal Pick-Up, Ships from Georgia
Fulfillment OptionsShips from Georgia, Local Pick-Up
Fulfillment OptionsLocal Pick-Up, Ships from Georgia
Fulfillment OptionsShips from Georgia, Local Pick-Up
Fulfillment OptionsLocal Pick-Up, Ships from Georgia
Fulfillment OptionsLocal Pick-Up, Ships from Georgia
Grass Finished or Grain FinishedGrass Finished Fulfillment OptionsLocal Pick-Up, Ships from Georgia
Fulfillment OptionsLocal Pick-Up, Ships from Georgia
Fulfillment OptionsShips from Georgia, Local Pick-Up
Fulfillment OptionsLocal Pick-Up, Ships from Georgia
Fulfillment OptionsShips from Georgia, Local Pick-Up
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Fulfillment OptionsShips from Georgia, Local Pick-Up
Fulfillment OptionsLocal Pick-Up, Ships from Georgia
Fulfillment OptionsShips from Georgia, Local Pick-Up
Fulfillment OptionsShips from Georgia, Local Pick-Up
Fulfillment OptionsShips Nationwide, Local Pick-Up
Fulfillment OptionsShips Nationwide, Local Pick-Up
Fulfillment OptionsShips from Georgia, Local Pick-Up
Fulfillment OptionsShips from Georgia, Local Pick-Up
Fulfillment OptionsShips Nationwide, Local Pick-Up
Fulfillment OptionsShips from Georgia, Local Pick-Up
Fulfillment OptionsShips from Georgia, Local Pick-Up
Fulfillment OptionsLocal Pick-Up, Ships from Georgia
Fulfillment OptionsLocal Pick-Up, Ships from Georgia
Fulfillment OptionsLocal Pick-Up, Ships from Georgia
Fulfillment OptionsShips from Georgia, Local Pick-Up
Fulfillment OptionsLocal Pick-Up, Ships from Georgia
Fulfillment OptionsLocal Pick-Up, Ships from Georgia
Fulfillment OptionsLocal Pick-Up, Ships from Georgia
Fulfillment OptionsShips from Georgia, Local Pick-Up
Fulfillment OptionsLocal Pick-Up, Ships from Georgia
Fulfillment OptionsLocal Pick-Up, Ships from Georgia
Fulfillment OptionsLocal Pick-Up, Ships from Georgia
Fulfillment OptionsLocal Pick-Up, Ships from Georgia
Fulfillment OptionsLocal Pick-Up, Ships from Georgia
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Ben Wever Farm Reviews

We had the most amazing dinner of Ben Wever steaks last night! The texture and favor were exceptional. It is truly top tier meat!! We’ll be back—soon!!!

Adirondack grass fed beef, lamb, pork & poultry as well as seasonal veggies. horse riding lessons available from Csg horsemanship and an Airbnb rental for on farm stays, oodles of farm experiences. No pets, working livestock farm

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Ben Wever Farm New York


  • Beef
  • Lamb


  • Ships to most locations east of the Mississippi River
    • Free shipping on orders over $75 in preferred rate area (northeast)
    • $29.99 shipping on orders over $75 outside of preferred rate area
  • Pick-Up Options
    • Pick-up on the farm near Willsboro, NY



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